Opening Hours of the Wellness resort

Opening hours


For accommodated guests of hotel Thermal***

10:00 – 21:00*

For other guests

12:00 – 21:00

* With the exception of Monday, which day the wellness center for hotel guests is open from 12 noon.

We reserve the rights to change the opening hours.

Please note that the wellness centre may be open depending on the capacity of the hotel. We will inform our guests about the changes and other restrictions on opening hours on our website. Before you arrive, you can inquire about free places at the following number: +421367560111.


Pricelist for spa guests

3 hours entry

All day entry


10 €

12 €

Children (4-15 years)

5 €

6 €

Senior (>60 years)

8 €

9 €

Disabled guest, guest in wheelchair and their company

5 €

6 €

Disabled children (4-15 years)

2 €

2,50 €

In case of 3 hours entry, every other started hour

1 €



The entrance ticket permits the use of swimming pools, jacuzzi, saunas, spa showers and salt cabinet during the validity period of the ticket.

The price list is valid between 1 February 2018 and 31 December 2018. We reserve the right to change the price.